Monday 19 November 2012

Extraordinary test shots
On this page are some photos i was particularly happy with, relating to all ideas. 

Fireworks test shots.
This was not a planned photo shoot, just a fireworks display i attended to. This was an extraordinary idea, which had some results i was happy with. I won't be using any in my final work. 

I am especially happy with the results of this photo, there's much detail and focus. There's also a nice pattern, which explains how the fireworks and being fired, surrounded by golden and silver effects.
I liked the effect created by this photo, it has quite some exhilaration to it, the bright red colour and especially the individual orange trails left from them, i would have been very pleased if this photo was properly in focus, which i didn't have my tripod at the time.
Some nice patterns, like the turquoise and silver area around the bottom.
I liked the result of this photo, slightly out of focus but making the image smaller has it alright. I espcially like the colours in this one, the greens around the middle with blazes shooting out.
I liked the result of this one, but noticeably out of focus. Theres a nice concept of purple dots surrounding the golden explosion.
This photo was in focus, which i was pleased with. Theres also quite alot of detail in the reds, wush several different fireworks
Like the slightly calmer idea of these 3 fireworks, they make quite an interesting concept
This photo was meant to be more about the proportion of the fireworks, focussing on the trees too. bright colour

Monday 12 November 2012

Extraordinary ideas

These are some of the ideas i have game across

 I thought the concept of this idea was quite interesting in terms of being 'out of proportion' in the extraordinary objects idea. This photo gives you the idea of the small clock being really tiny, whilst also presenting details sharply.
 This photo presents the proportions well, but the idea of the small clock seems quite distant, as it is so small in this photo it is lack detail and not giving the same impression of the other photos.
i like this photo mainly as the clock is right it the centre of the image, making it a clear and noticeable subject. it is also detailed and sharp, although it doesn't explain proportion so easily, no one could really tell if the clock was tiny, or if the larger clock was meant to be huge, Although close up texture in the wall do have some evidence. 

 I thought this was a good concept of patterns, that came into focus very well. i noticed that when capturing fireworks, the key to sharpness is focusing on a firework then keeping the camera in focus, never fully releasing the shutter. the was because the camera focused on the bright light, and applied a fast shutter speed. In other cases, the camera focused in darker areas and attempted to apply more light with a slower shutter, blurring the fireworks out of focus. There's also the trace of movement in these photos, which i especially liked, with the extremely bright centre whipping lines and sparks out.
 This image has slightly less movement, and more distraction. The focus was still good.
I like the result of this photo, the dramatic blast within the trees really takes effect whilst being one of the last photos, there was more smoke producing which was lit up by the sparks, that was a good addition. This photo also really makes the sparks seem larger and that they are traveling faster, like they'd been shot out. 

This photo was a great spot of luck. Using a low shutter speed, the camera was able to capture this in detail, although when presented larger becomes quite smudged in places and less focused. i was extremely happy with the scenery and colours in this photo, theres orange and yellow lights in clear patterns of buildings. What really took effect was the moonlight and the clouds, its a truly relaxing and nightly scene, which worked out well. 
 This photo was too dark, possibly due to a slightly quicker shutter speed. The buildings and lights aren't presented as accurately as wanted.
 Happy with focusing and lighting with the sky, although the horizon was out of level and focus, again the buildings were blurred making it looks slightly rushed.
 This photo i was very happy with. The landscape of buildings is clearly presented with colours and focusing, being able to pick up a lot more shapes and detail. . The sky is bright showing all the details in clouds.