
The topic i chose was extraordinary objects which i created and aimed to shoot typically weird objects, but also ordinary objects made extraordinary, possibly made into a sculpture, or re-created into something extraordinary. I also wanted to include a great deal of high speed photography, which included wet photography, with different liquids and objects falling into a liquid, this supported my idea of 'the unseen' which was everyday things that are far from noticed. What i aimed to create was a group of photos which were all different in there own way so for instance i would have several photos on high speed liquids, but they would be from a completely different view and happening in a different setting and concept. Apart from Places and Nature, i found this idea to be the most engaging, which i developed on the most and enjoyed. I came up with many ideas supporting it, which i hadn't so much with the others. I mainly wanted to create something extraordinary, which i felt would have been quite a challenge with places, it's a matter of finding them and so on with Nature, although it's not just places there can be some fantastic results from it it's just about being there at the right time and moment which i also felt would be challenging.

I decided to develop my understanding of high speed photography, which supported my idea of 'the unseen' which are totally extraordinary natural happenings, but since the lack of notice become complete extraordinary. It's also based on how fast they happen too. I found experimenting with high speed photography was interesting, as you never exactly knew what the outcome would be, especially when using liquids. I particularly liked using liquids as the result was quite extraordinary, and freezing time this quickly explains everything. I decided to develop this idea further, researching photographer Harold Edgerton and his work, which inspired me especially with his work with liquids. The final photos i came up with, i was pleased with and i was happy with my decision. Something i found was difficult, was finding a place to take the photos. The flash needed to be used at the lighting was too dull for 1/200 shutter, so there couldn't be anything reflective nearby or in the background, as this would brighten up the whole photo. It was also vital to not have anything distracting nearby, that would interrupt the concentration on the subject. I didn't find that to be much of an issue. I also found that the movement in liquids had to be sharp in focus, which consisted of holding the shutter button locking the camera in the same focus area whilst taking several photos. Some of the test shots were either too bright or out of focus, but others after more tests turned out well. 

Another idea i looked into was 'extraordinary sculptures' mainly made from ordinary everyday objects. I found an interesting concept to photograph, my magnetic sculpture. I was happy with the result, and it looked quite extraordinary, but also was something to look at before you actually recognize what it was, as well as being mind boggling and eye catching. I decided to place this photo in the centre of the project, as i thought it supported my idea best.

The final smaller idea i came up with was integrating 'places' into my project slightly, which i would relate to the objects within them. My original idea was actually putting objects in completely unrelated places creating an extraordinary experiance, but i came up with a different concept. The photo with all the lights in was a street a night, but i darkened it to display all the lights and remove buildings. Every light is an object, so i thought it was an interesting concept and took that idea forward. What i found if staying to the origonal idea is that it could be quite challenging so i didn't go with it.

The final mounting design for my project was meant to be a 'curved' frame which had theme idea of 'object design' supporting the grid behind the photos. This came out pretty well, with the frame being curved as planned. There has not been any incidents with parts falling off which i was pleased about. The overall photos have mounted quite well, equally positioned although slightly crammed in some places but the overall outcome i was happy with.

To improve the project further i feel some of the photos could have had some interesting concepts such as more action in liquids, such as larger splashes although i felt this was slightly less extraordinary, as splashes are less unique and slightly more ordinary. There could have been some high speed photography with solid objects such as 'objects falling' which could have created slightly more action. I think this could have benefitted the overall project of being more 'eye catching' and having slightly more motion and movement in the photos.

Overall i was happy with the results produced, and the decisions i made. The photos were what i expected and everything turned out posivite. I found the project to be interesting, experimental and payed off for the work. All the photos were at the angle and had the strong colour i wanted to create a more artistic piece. The photos i thought fit in well together as a group, and fully supported my original idea. The final mounting turned out better than expected and i was pleased with how the photos printed. 

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