Extraordinary Nature

Photo shoot, unusual nature idea

For another idea, i will focus on weather of nature, such as something throughout seasons, raindrops, plants changing - focusing on climate change. 

I thought this photo was totally extraordinary in terms or colours. Taken out
of a back window, the sun was setting across the area, there as a slight rain and of
course the rainbow, which was illuminating the area its in. I thought is was
a nice addition to the photoshoot as it adds a bit of landscape photographer
insted of close-ups. 

i thought this photo was quite extraordinary from the patterns of the flower buds. Theres also strong colour and contrast from the natrual sunlight.
After manipulation, i used curves option to strengthen the colours seperating the different tones of green more, also the dark colours of the bee, being the main subject. The photo was also cropped to pay attention to the buds too, being the main subject of extraordinary.
This photo was taken of an extraordinary bug, which had some interesting colours and shapes, such as spikes and a maze of lines, as well as some high details. Theres also some interesting textures in the wood consisting of greens and greys.
After manipultion, the photo has been cropped to display more of the bug's detail, whilst also keeping the wood. The unnecissary corner which included different colours has been removed do prevent distraction.
This photo was taken on during a sunset, finding a dandelion seed holder i came up with the idea to angle the camera making the sun just above the tip. I'm quite happy with the result, the sun and sky, blurred shows the position of the sun and colours of the sky. this photo also meets the rule of thirds with the background and foreground.
After manipulation, slightly brightened as i did not want to distract the natural colours too much.

several other test shots i took for this idea. This was a matter of getting the tip of the dandelion with the sun above it. This idea was actually an experiment to start of with, but i thought it was quite a peaceful and strong result.
 Slightly out of focus, everything if too blurred
 Blurred and the horizon is not level.
 One of the best results, the sun directly presents itself above the plant which is in focus, with the background being equally out of focus.
In focus, when results were improving like the picture above but not showing the idea of sun above plant.

This photo was of Dandelion seeds with a sunset peaking through.
i thought this was quite interesting as it is not often you get the choice to
see this.
test shots for this idea. 
I was happy with the result of this photo, just needed to be
slightly darker, the area above the flower is too bright and catches
your eye off the subject. 

Taken with the flash on, interesting, but completely drained all the colours
and changed them. Not going to use

Liked the colour in this photo, not too bright. Dandelion is out of focus
when intended to be the main subject. 

Was a test without the sun, i was actually quite happy. The grass
textures and patterns around the dandelion out of focus. This sort of
creates a paint brush effect surrounding it. The dandelion is in focus well.
I loved the colours in this photo, they set the original experience not being too
over exposed or under. theres also tack-sharp focus of the dandelion. very
happy with the result, but the horizon was out of level which actually isn't
too noticeable, but can be slightly funny to look at when your eye
traces along it. 

Bill Atkinson - Research for unusual nature idea
Bill Atkinson is a wildlife nature photographer. He mainly photographs plants, countrysides and the seasons as they pass. I think that many of his photos show nice texture and vivid colours, theres also interesting patterns of contrasts in his desert photos. 

This photo is extraordinary i thought mainly because of the beautiful colours presented. You would'nt find
a bunch of leaves like this on most days. What really caught me was the pink and yellow amongst the more grey leaves. 

The snow shows it's movemnet of falling down the leaves here, which gave me ideas of how i could 
capture nature in this way. 
Using macro photography can reveal some extraordinary results especially in flowers. Theres so much
delicacy and detail that it seems unreal, as they sometimes seem so perfect. 
I loved the contrast in these two photos taken in black and white. They use repetitive patterns and shapes giving me an idea to use some in my nature photo shoot. These repetetive shapes could lead off to one point of a photo, or cover a certain area, it would deffinatly add some interest and varity to a collection

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